Thursday, January 1, 2009

2 Blog #9

“The Pact” by Jodi Picoult
For this blog I’m going to write about a new book called The Pact. So far I’ve read through page 315. The story is about two teenagers who have seemingly perfect lives. They are wealthy, live privileged lives and are in love with each other. The two teens are Chris and Emily. They’ve grown up together and have always been expected to fall in love and get married. They belong together. Everything is going fine until the police find Emily and Chris together. Emily’s dead and Chris was with her with a gun. Now, Chris is in jail awaiting a trial and his lawyer, family, and Emily’s family desperately want to know what happened. Chris first claimed it was a suicide pact, but now the story is changing. There was a huge twist of Emily being pregnant which no one knew about. I’m not sure if Chris did it. I think he might have because that’s what the evidence points to. The gun was at an angle that Emily would not have held it at and he’s the only one who was with her when she died. Also, it’s been revealed to the reader that Emily wasn’t sure she wanted to be with Chris. She knew she was supposed to because that’s what everyone expected and that’s how Chris felt. She didn’t like being with him and felt he was more of a brother than a boyfriend. She felt she couldn’t share this because it would hurt Chris a lot and she didn’t want to. Also, it would shatter everyone’s expectations. I can’t imagine being in her place it would be awful to choose between two awful things: devastating your best friend or living unhappily. I think Chris knew Emily didn’t like him romantically and so he killed her. She was his whole world, but she wasn’t in love with him.

1 comment:

katie said...

Hey Linnea!
I read this book last year and I loved it so much. There are so many unexpected twists that left me wanting to read more and more. Hope you enjoy it as much as I did!